
Art of Petanque Headline Animator

Art of Petanque

Monday, 19 October 2009

More grit on the Terrain?

Our Chairman, Paul Roberts, has truly embraced the spirit of our new Blog site and has written as follows:

"One of the items for debate within your Boule Club Committee has concerned the depth of the grit on the terrain at Kirdford. I had intended to raise the subject at the AGM in a few weeks time. However, I am quite anxious to play a bit of boule that day, so I don’t really want to prolong the AGM further than necessary.
I thought this would be a good topic for debate on our excellent new Blog. The proposal is that we should add some grit to the terrain to bring it up to a level of about ¼ inch all over just less than 1 cm for those of you who work in new money. Some of us feel that we don’t want any more grit, some want a lot more.
We can’t please everybody but the committee would like to know what you, the members think.
So it’s over to you to have your say. We’ll gauge the reactions and announce the conclusion in a few weeks time. "

Please add your comments in the space indicated below and let the debate begin!


David and/or Hazel said...

We wouldn't want the terrain to become too easy (for our opponents!) but perhaps a little more grit would be O.K. We like the new Blog...keep the news coming! Hazel & David.

Peter Rauch said...

"No two Petanque pistes/terrains play the same, as so much depends upon their construction.

However several points are important.

The surface is important.

A loose surface such as gravel or shell (10-20 mm) is preferred since it tends to stop the boules from rolling too far."

This opinion is reflected on many web sites, with a plethora of French contributions, notwithstanding the generally unstructured terrains that exist throughout rural France.

I suggest that if it is possible, the Committee go back through the detail of the agreed construction of the Kirdford terrain and bring it back to those standards, probably as good a measure as any in an uncertain world.

Peter & Mavis

Peter said...

Ian Fox has commented as follows:

Once the Terrain has had a thorough rake redistributing the surplus dressing from the edges across the terrain and particularly on to the bald patches, it will be easier to judge whether it requires more dressing/grit. If more grit /dressing is decided upon then the grit size should remain as now, in any event more grit will alter its playing characteristics. More immediately there is a need this winter to treat the Terrain with weed inhibitor, it is beginning to produce a good growth of grass and moss.

Ian Fox

Anonymous said...

Jill and I are primitive, but select, creatures who live in one of the country's "notspots" ie we live in a spot with no wired provision of Broadband. Blogging is thus a new and tedious task for us, but given the great idea of the ABC Site and the debate on the terrain started by Paul, I would like to contribute. Jill will probably have her own views as one would expect.
I was intrigued by the Cobbetts A comments and, for me, they encapsulate the essence of Boules, namely the unpredictability of the playing surface which is a great leveller although talented players can use techniques to minimise the effect of the surface, which is never the same one day to the next.
Had he not already said so, my comments would have been identical to our Captain's and to do what he suggests requires some effort more than just the odd few minutes before play starts on Wednesday or Saturday. As we live at Plaistow, I/we would be happy to take part, under direction, at some agreed time on another day. The sprouting vegetation in the middle of the terrain needs to be knocked on the head now and a Flame Wand, which I have, may be more environmently friendly and effective. Yours, Alex Myles