
Art of Petanque Headline Animator

Art of Petanque

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Osborne Trophy 2011

The Winner - Mavis Rauch

with the Runners-Up

Carolyn Tuthill reports:

Saturday 13th August 2011 - a reasonably bright day for the Osborne Trophy.
This trophy is played for annually in memory of Rodney Osborne, past
Chairman of the Club. We had a very good turnout of members playing
doubles on all seven pistes, the result at the end of the three game
individual melee was a resounding win for Mavis Rauch with a magnificant
score of 3 wins - +30, runner up with another very good score of 3 wins -
+25 was Marie Helene Lopez. Only two others had 3 wins - third was
Christine Kateley and fourth, Tony Fox. All received a bottle of wine. We
were very pleased to have Sharmoine Osborne with us to present Mavis with
the trophy which will be duly engraved and given to her to keep for the
coming year. This completes our club internal competitions for this year.
Congratulations to all the worthy winners of the silverware - take good care
of it!! Carolyn

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