
Art of Petanque Headline Animator

Art of Petanque

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Ian Fox reports:

Last weekend, 26th March Saturday – 28th March Monday ABC made an exploratory visit to TAC Petanque Le Touquet. This was the culmination of discussions between Bernard Fourdraine President of TAC Petanque Le Touquet, Ian, Peter and MarieHelene. We were accompanied by Carolyn, Margaret and Mavis. The primary objective was to see if ABC could establish a friendly boule playing relationship with a French club. I am delighted to report that Bernard Fourdraine, his colleague committee and club members made us most welcome. A secondary objective was to understand the practicalities of travelling to Le Touquet for boule weekends.

We played boule on Saturday in the same manner as our own club meetings. On Saturday evening Bernard and two of his committee entertained us to Dinner at the “Fireman” a bar restaurant adjacent to the club terrain. We presented TAC Petanque Le Touquet with mementoes of our club. On Sunday Bernard took us on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of Le Touquet at the end of which we refreshed ourselves with Sunday lunch with Bernard as our guest.

Monday was a day of leisure and travel making our way home after our labours. We understand that Bernard is to invite us as a club to play boule in Le Touquet this autumn.

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