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Art of Petanque

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

NDPL - ABC Wasps v Cranleigh PC

Ingrid Richards reports:

On Thursday, 2nd of September the ABC Wasps played their last game in the NDPL against Cranleigh PC.

The team was as follows:

Marie Helene Lopez and George Spiers
Margaretha and Benny Goodman and Tony Fox (we had one extra member as Margaretha was not sure if her back would hold out for three games)
Ingrid Richards and Tony Riches

Marie Helene and George and Ingrid and Tony managed to win their first game. Marie Helene and George won 13-10 and Ingrid and Tony won 13-6. Margaretha played with Tony Fox, but unfortunately, they lost 9-13.

After that, the fortunes changed and we all lost our remaining games. Marie Helene and George lost 7-13, Benny (who took over from Margaretha) and Tony Fox lost 6-13 and Ingrid and Tony Riches lost 10-13. The last game was slightly better, but unfortunately not good enough. Marie Helene and George Spiers lost 10-13, Benny and Tony Fox lost again 6-13 and Ingrid and Tony Riches lost 11-13.

I must say, the result does not reflect the actual playing - all matches were fought very hard.

Thank you to all the team for giving it their all!

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