
Art of Petanque Headline Animator

Art of Petanque

Monday, 17 May 2010

The County Club Boules Evening

Peter Rauch reports:

On Friday evening, 14 May, we hosted the annual Guildford County Club melee.

As usual player numbers, attendance and arrivals proved fluid and variable, but we managed to get in two games and a good fun evening was had by all, including Peter & Mavis and Mike & Christine, who dog's bodied, umpired, refereed and generally filled in the gaps in teams as ABC hosts.

Over the years the standard of play and participation has improved immensely. Play was followed by a jolly supper in the Foresters.

Richard Middlehurst won the Mens with 21 points and Laura Sexton won the Ladies, also with 21 points. There was fierce competition for the Consolation Prize which was won by Nick Butterworth with a minus 22 score card!

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