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Art of Petanque

Saturday, 17 April 2010

North Downs League

Peter Molsher reports:

The Bees, represented by Valerie & John, Barbara & Peter(M), Muriel & Chris, played their first fixture of the season this month at Crondall resulting in a 6 - 3 win for the home side. Two of the lost games went to a close

This is one of the oldest fixtures in the NDPL calendar; we were invited by Crondall in 1993 to join them in starting a new league. The other founders were Arford (now Bordon), Leatherhead (now Oxshot), and Sun Inn(at Dummer). They were joined in the second season by Kingsclere, Chilworth(Percy Arms)[the club from which Mary Robson joined us] and Racing Club.

Clive Clarke was elected NDPL chairman for that season and made and presented the Runners Up trophy on behalf of AmitiƩs.

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