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Art of Petanque

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Boules Club Charity Day 1st Oct 2011

Carolyn Tuthill reports:

A fantastic day for our Charity on 1st October, 29o+ Sun shines on the righteous! Good turnout of members, those unable to attend also contributed prizes for the raffle and bring & buy. Sonia and Valerie had been busy baking and produced three cakes which were offered at £1 a slice to go with morning coffee - this was a great success and brought in over £20!

Linda & Karl and the bar staff bought raffle tickets and cakes to help swell the coffers.

The melee, for which all had contributed £1 to play in, was won by Sonia Lee with a cracking +23, joint runners up just behind her were Benny Goodman and Bob Webster, a booby prize was produced from the raffle (!) and presented to Ingrid Richards who managed a spectacular minus score!!

I have now counted out all the pennies, pounds etc.(don't know quite what to do with Peter's dime!) and can report that we will be sending a cheque to
Chestnut Tree House Hospice for Children, for the sum of £160.00

Many thanks to all who contibuted - I think the Charity day makes us all feel how fortunate we are. Please give some thought as to which Charity you would like us to support next year.